
Quick Hits: Spielberg Picks Next Film; Rockwell Joins COWBOYS & ALIENS; GHOSTBUSTERS 3 Fail

A couple of quick notes....

*Steven Spielberg has settled on his next directing gig, choosing to adapt Michael Morpurgo's novel, War Horse, for the big screen. The film follows a foal named Joey, who in 1914 is sold to the army and sees horrific action throughout WWI. All the while, he years to return to Albert, his orignal master.

Forest Gump for horses? Full Metal Saddle? This one's gonna be a tough sell on me, but if anyone can find an angle to make it interesting, it's Spielberg.

*Sam Rockwell has joined the cast of Cowboys & Aliens, re-teaming with his Iron Man 2 director, Jon Favreau. He'll be taking on the role of a bar owner who joins in on the battle against the alien invaders.

*I'm officially retiring myself from any and all Ghostbusters 3 chatter. Dan Akroyd says filming starts in the Fall for release in 2011. Bill Murray still insists the entire project is a myth. Harold Ramis says it's coming out by Christmas of 2012. And nobody's asking Ernie Hudson anything except directions to the nearest hot dog stand.