
Something *SPOILERY* Lies Within About Iron Man 2 and JJ Abrams. Be Warned!

This one has me at odds. I don't like to spoil things for people, especially huge surprises like this. In particular because when this occurred awhile back it took me for a total loop. So I'm offering everybody the opportunity to duck back under the covers and shield themselves from the spoilerific goodness below. Enjoy these pics until the news begins...

A couple of years ago, JJ Abrams caught us all off guard with a teaser trailer for his film, Cloverfield immediately before Michael Bay's Transformers. Somehow, Abrams is looking to pull the same trick twice. It's been revealed that a secret JJ Abrams film will be teased immediately before Iron Man 2 showings, starting at this Thursday's midnight shows.

Little is known about what the trailer details, or even what movie it is. All we really have is a title: Super 8. Apparently Abrams directed the trailer, but *might* not be directing the film itself. It's hard to say.

Could this be the much rumored Cloverfield sequel? Or a prequel of sorts? Super 8 could certainly equate to the type of film being used to shoot the story, and as we all remember Cloverfield was primarily focused on the filming of the diastrous events taking place.

We're set to see Iron Man 2 tonight, so we better...and the Rock means we BETTER get a glimpse at this trailer. Otherwise somebody's gettin' the smackdown laid on 'em. Lookin' at you, Abrams.