
Trailer Time: Matt Damon & Emily Blunt in THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU

It seems like every Philip K. Dick story is getting blown up into some big screen treatment lately. Not that I'm complaining. As a sci fi junkie, it's like we're entering some new renaissance. The Adjustment Team is perhaps the most promising of the author's works to be adapted. The Adjustment Bureau is being directed by George Nolfi(The Sentinel), starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt.

After viewing the trailer, the first thought that came to my mind was that it looked like Christopher Nolan's Inception in the setting and costumes, but less dark and twisty. This one's looking more like a futuristic version of The Fugitive with a heavy love story thrown in. Blunt is looking as gorgeous as I've ever seen her, also. She's quickly shooting up on my list of favorite actresses.

The September 17th release date should give the film a chance to stand on it's own two feet outside of the blockbuster summer season.  Check out the trailer followed by the film synopsis, and as always let us know what you think!

Do we control our destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate us? Matt Damon stars in the thriller The Adjustment Bureau as a man who glimpses the future Fate has planned for him and realizes he wants something else. To get it, he must pursue the only woman he’s ever loved across, under and through the streets of modern-day New York.

On the brink of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David Norris (Damon) meets beautiful contemporary ballet dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt)–a woman like none he’s ever known. But just as he realizes he’s falling for her, mysterious men conspire to keep the two apart.

David learns he is up against the agents of Fate itself–the men of The Adjustment Bureau–who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together. In the face of overwhelming odds, he must either let her go and accept a predetermined path…or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her.

The Adjustment Bureau is written for the screen and directed by George Nolfi (writer of Ocean’s Twelve, co-writer of The Bourne Ultimatum). It is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick (”Total Recall,” “Minority Report” and “Blade Runner”).