
New 'Predators' pics cause great anticipation....concern.

Okay, first thing that comes to mind when I look at these pics is "Wait just a second...the freakin' Predators look really, like REALLY fake". Then I thought about this for a second, thanks GOD that Rodriguez has his hands in this flick of we'd probably have some CGI abomination for a Predator instead of a guy in a suit the way God intended. All of these pics, except one, inspire great confidence in this movie. I have no doubt that it is going to be a fun time and is undoubtedly going to be the much needed Predator fix that we've all needed since the first AVP came out and disappointed most (not me, I dug both flicks...but I'm a Predator fanboy so don't go by my word). Here's where my fear comes in, Topher Grace's picture. No, I'm not just hatin' on Eric Foreman for the sake of hatin'. Here's my theory...Grace plays some manner of doctor, albiet an evil doctor, and from the fact that he's holding a scalpel in this pic I'm going to guess he's about to cut into a dead Predator. I'm just worried that this is going to turn into the main storyline and the hero's defeat the Predators via a biological agent manufactured by Grace's character. I know...shot in the dark...but still it makes me nervous. If you ask me I don't think anyone should survive. I think this should be one of those movies where all your "heroes" die, after all, the Predators don't generally hunt good, innocent people.