
Kate Winslet says Sam Mendes still directing Bond 23; set to begin late next year


Kate Winslet has revealed that her husband, Sam Mendes, will be dragging the fam to England late next year as he returns to helm Bond 23. There was some question whether or not the director would return once MGM's bankruptcy situation was resolved and production on the film commenced. Mendes cleared up his schedule recently by backing out of other possible projects, such as The Hunger Games. Winslet told The Daily Mail...

"Sam is doing the next Bond film, all being well, and we'll all be in England if that happens. It's such a massive commitment for him and it's not fair for him to commute backwards and forwards to New York from London. It would be impossible."

Winslet and Mendes have been separated since last year.

Daniel Craig is set to reprise his role as the suave secret agent. When asked if perhaps Winslet would be interested in taking on a small role as Bond girl, she replied with a resounding "No!". I'm sure she felt she couldn't compete with Denise Richards' Christmas Jones.