
Disney planning 5th and 6th Pirates of the Caribbean movies, possibly shot back-to-back

Despite my ambivalence towards them, The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is apparently pretty popular. I had hoped that Disney felt enough money had been generated from them after the third(and best) one, but that hope was shot to Hell when On Stranger Tides was announced. Now it looks like I can expect to be seeing a lot more Jack Sparrow for years to come, as Hitfix is reporting that Disney has begun telling the cast and crew to start setting aside time for a 5th and 6th film. The plan would be to shoot the films back-to-back, just as they did once before.

Johnny Depp will of course be back for them all. But who else? Could Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom returnafter taking a break from this latest film? What about director Rob Marshall? Is he up for making his turn at bat a possible trilogy?

What seems obvious to me is that you shouldn't expect to see Depp making anymore flicks like The Tourist for awhile. He's already got The Lone Ranger and Dark Shadows on his plate in addition to these.