
Trailer Time: The Beaver, starring Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster

Let's face it, The Beaver is going to be a tough sell. Not only because Mel Gibson is a pariah right nos whose last film, Edge of Darkness, failed to make people forget about his personal demons, but also because I don't think people are going to have a hard time understanding why anyone would listen to a guy with a puppet. For those who may've forgotten, the script for The Beaver was at the top of the Black List, Hollywood's list of the best unproduced screenplays. Jodie Foster directed, but when Gibson's issues came to light, Summit shelved the flick in hopes that maybe a more marketable window would open up. Apparently they've decided that Spring of next year is that time, and now we've got a trailer to get us ready for it.

The Beaver stars Gibson as an estranged father who can't seem to be able to connect with anybody anymore. His wife(Foster) doesn't understand him, and his  two sons hate him. He happens upon a disheveled old beaver puppet in the trash, and decides to completely speak to them through it.

Right off the bat, I was reminded of two movies: Lars and the Real Girl and Dummy. Most people probably avoided them but both in some way deal with damaged people who find their voice through their use of inanimate objects. The Beaver looks a lot  better than both of those flicks were, though. I still have a feeling The Beaver might not do much to reshape Mel Gibson's image, but it looks like a good start to getting him back in Hollywood's good graces. 

Check out the trailer below, and let us know: Are you interested in seeing anything starring Mel Gibson right now?