Trailer Time: Thor, starring Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman
If you were hoping to see something entirely new and different from the bootlegged Comic-Con Thor trailer from a few months ago, then you might be disappointed. This is mostly just a more prettied up version of that, which is fine with me because it was hella cool. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention the first time around but I don't recall seeing quite this many shots of Idris Elba as Heimdall, the guardian of the bifrost bridge.
One of the many roadblocks said to be facing Thor was finding a way to bring the mythology heavy story into the "real" world of Iron Man and Captain America. I always found that argument puzzling, as if it's ok to have a 7 foot tall gamma powered behemoth running around but a Norse god who carries a hammer? That's crazy talk. The trailer looks like it's going to the more magical aspects of Thor's character head on, which I think is the best way to approach it. I can't wait for this.
Check out the trailer below, and look out for Thor when it hits theaters on May 6th 2011!