So I was surprised when this video showcasing exactly that showed up in my inbox. It's actually pretty sweet, mostly due to the haunting score used. I'm not sure where it's from but if anybody knows shoot me an email.
Video: Edmund/Prince Caspian- Doomed Lovers?
The rivalry between King Caspian(Ben Barnes) and Edmund Pevensie(Skandar Keynes) in The Chronicles of Narnia
series is one of the few things they've managed to get right in the film adaptations. I like how Edmund both admires and is fiercely jealous of Caspian's skill with both a sword and with the ladies. I was surprised to find out that there is a larger than expected base of folks who see their competitive natures as something entirely different. Different like that volleyball scene in Top Gun
. Yeah, there's an entire world of Edmund/Caspian fan-fic out there that positions(no pun intended) the two as possible lovers.
So I was surprised when this video showcasing exactly that showed up in my inbox. It's actually pretty sweet, mostly due to the haunting score used. I'm not sure where it's from but if anybody knows shoot me an email.
So I was surprised when this video showcasing exactly that showed up in my inbox. It's actually pretty sweet, mostly due to the haunting score used. I'm not sure where it's from but if anybody knows shoot me an email.