
Trailer Time: John Carpenter's 'The Ward'

Quick: What was the last feature film directed by John Carpenter? If you guessed 2001's Ghosts of Mars you are the winner! Not wanting to go out on a stinker like that, the horror icon is back with his latest film, The Ward. Echo Lake has just released the first full length trailer for the film, which features Amber Heard as a patient in an institution who gets terrorized by some strange goings on at the facility.

If that sounds like the setup for one of those generic mid-2000's teen horrors then wait until you see the trailer. This makes Wes Craven's My Soul to Take look like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre by comparison.  But...I don't want to judge too harshly. The film debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival and was met with pretty scathing response. So far there's no release date set, but I'm sure one is forthcoming. Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think of The Ward!