
30 Day Film Challenge Day 28: The Most Obscure Film You've Ever Seen

Obscure? I think some of the movies I've seen are so obscure they no longer occupy space in my brain. I suppose there were some documentaries that were pretty under the radar, but I'm going to go with a short film that I know only a handful of people saw. It's called Queer Eye for the Jedi, and while I'm embarassing I'm going to admit it's the one film that I can count as an acting credit. Yes, I'm in it, and yes I suck.

We shot it over the course of a very long day during the hottest summer DC's had in a decade. Pure, brutal heat that made you instantly loathe any person who flubbed their lines. But it also made me respect actors more, especially the ones who continue to hone their craft in smaller flicks with no budget. So watch this, try to maintain some level of respect for me, and then brush this episode from your memory.