
Jamie Foxx is Django for Quentin Tarantino

After the rumor from earlier today that Jamie Foxx was indeed the man to head up Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, Variety is now confirming he is the pick, putting to bed weeks of speculation that have seen names like Will Smith, Idris Elba, and Chris Tucker mentioned for the role.  They also note that the super sexy(and hella smart) Kerry Washington is up for the role of Django's long lost love, Broomhilda. They also note that there are other contenders in mind for that role, so nothing has been confirmed.

The film sees Django, an ex-slave who teams up with a German bounty hunter(Christoph Waltz) to take on an evil slavemaster named Calvin Candie and his brutal house slave, Stephen. Leonardo Dicaprio is set for the Candie role, with Samuel L. Jackson as Stephen.