
Proof that Ghostbusters 3 is really happening?

I made a promise months ago not to post anymore rumors or random statements by former cast members about Ghostbusters 3. The whole thing had turned into a friggin' game of "telephone", with one person saying this or that and it either getting twisted or blown wildly out of proportion. Bill Murray, widely assumed to be the cause of any hold up on the film has been having a good ol' time stringing folks along, when if you really listen to what he's saying he doesn't sound at all interested.

But I'm going to post this because it seems legit and could actually mean something if it's real. The below pic was snapped at the Licensing International Expo, which looks like a promo ad for Sony's 2013 slate. Check out the copy in the middle clearly indicating Ghostbusters' relaunch. Can it be true?

Certainly looks real, doesn't it? Only time will tell if it is. Thanks to Heyuguys for the pic.

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