
Superhero Goodness: The Avengers promotional poster; awesome vintage Captain America image

Y'know how it sorta got irritating all the marketing going on during the lead up to Iron Man 2? How Tony Stark was everywhere from car commercials to Underoos? How about Thor? The god of Thunder should've been renamed the God of cross promotion. Well take all that, multiply it by a factor of 20, and you'll have only a sliver of what's in store for The Avengers. And y'know what else? It's already underway, as Superhero Hype snapped this pic of a new promo image for the team flick due out next May...
Kinda cool seeing the entire crew together in one place, although I was kinda wondering where Nick Fury was. The "painted" look is a good choice, too. Plus that's really our first good look at just how Jeremy Renner is going to appear as Hawkeye. He looks like Renner in a really tacky outfit, frankly.
Springtime for "KAPOW"!!!!  Captain America nearly socks the 'stache right off Hitler's face in this new vintage poster that was available only at the LA Times Hero Complex Festival over the weekend. Whatta jip! I'm not exactly hyped over Captain America: The First Avenger, but I'd buy this one-sheet in a heartbeat. Coolest part? The Howling Commandos lined up at the bottom. So cool. The film opens next month, July 22nd.
Thanks to Cinemablend for this sweet image.