* Even though Albert Hughes and Warner Brothers had some beef over that whole Akira thing, they remained on good terms. Which is why the Menace II Society
* Considering Diablo Cody's success so far as a writer(Juno
* Even though Joe Pesci is still filing suit against the producers of Gotti: In the Shadow of My Father for convincing him to eat like a pig for a major role and then pulling the rug out from under him, the production is still set to begin very shortly. The only role that hadn't been filled yet was the biggest by far, that of John Gotti Jr. Now that's been taken care of, as Variety reports Ben Foster has been cast in what is clearly the most prominent part of the entire film. Barry Levinson is directing, and even though the whole casting has been shady, it's hard to argue with the line-up assembled. John Travolta, Al Pacino, Kelly Preston, and Foster make up a foursome that's pretty tough to ignore.