
Three new images from The Avengers; trailer debuts next week

Told you it was just the tip of the iceberg. If you got sick of all the promo images, the clips, the Captain America Slurpee™ cups, and all the other crap Marvel buried us in over the summer, then The Avengers is going to be a slice of Hell on earth. Sorry, it's just a fact. Now that that marketing blitz has begun waaaaay ahead of the film's May 4th 2012 release, it's not going to stop or even hit the breaks.

Three more images have been released, and while they aren't anything special, the set photo does give us our first look at Cobie Smulders as SHIELD agent Maria Hill. She's so much hotter than Scarlett Johansson it's not even a close race. Check those out below, and keep an eye out for the trailer, which should hit the internet on Tuesday...