
Trailer Time: 'The Hunger Games', based on the novel by Suzanne Collins

We're inching closer to the March 23rd release of The Hunger Games, and Lionsgate continues to pull out all of the stops to make sure nobody forgets it. While people like me who have read Suzanne Collins' novels(and mostly loved them) are no doubt excited for it, I know through talking to some friends that many still don't quite have a handle on why this is such a big deal. What separates The Hunger Games from something like Twilight? I can admit that the first trailer, while spot on perfect, didn't exactly make the film feel very important. The Hunger Games should be the biggest release of 2012 that doesn't have Batman or Iron Man in it.  The latest trailer I think does a much better job of showing just how grande this film is going to be.

The latest news is that The Hunger Games is going to be presented in IMAX for it's first week of release starting on March 23rd, which should make this an even more epic experience. While brief, this trailer gives a much broader sense of the perils Katniss(Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta(Josh Hutcherson) have to face, from their meager beginnings in District 12 to having their potential deaths broadcast for the entire nation to see. It's a staggering presentation, and one I can't wait to see play out.  Check out the newest trailer for The Hunger Games below....