
And 'The Avengers' alien villains are....

If you were watching the live red carpet premiere of The Avengers last night(we hosted it here, so why wouldn't you??), then you heard A LOT about the movie from stars and attendees of the event. One of the things that came out of the show is the reveal of who those aliens are we keep getting glimpses of in the trailer. If you don't want it spoiled, the answer comes after the break.....

Speculation for months has been that the creatures who will be joining Loki's attack on earth were the shape-shifting alien Skrulls. Well, that's sorta true. They are the Chitauri, who as it turns out are the Skrulls from Marvel's Ultimate alternate universe. The Chitauri still shape shift, but they do so by devouring their victims, and also had a hand in the creation of the Nazi party. Seriously.  I doubt that'll be used in The Avengers storyline, but y'never know!
Let's face it, though, these are essentially the Skrulls, and I believe the plan all along was for the Skrulls to be the villains until everybody figured it out like on day one.

None of this really matters, because Loki is the bad guy everyone cares about, and the aliens might as well be Frost Giants or something.