
Mel Gibson signs up for 'Machete Kills'!

Here's hoping Robert Rodriguez has the lawyers on speed dial. Even though Mel Gibson is the most toxic actor in Hollywood right now, especially after that whole thing with Joe Eszterhas has everyone labeling him an anti-Semite again, Rodriguez made it clear his desire to have him as part of Machete Kills. While it seemed to be a crazy idea that would never fly, apparently Gibson loved the idea, because according to Deadline he's in for a role.

His role is unclear at this point, but if they're smart he'll play a crazy racist who ends up on the business end of Machete's knife. Seriously, if this is going to happen they might as well play it up for laughs. Gibson's reasons for joining are obvious, as the best way to make people forget what an epic douche he is would be to embrace it on screen. Then again that didn't really work with The Beaver, so maybe I'm way off here. He'll join Danny Trejo, Jessica Alba, and Michelle Rodriguez in a story that has Machete hired by the US government to take down a wealthy villain with plans of launching a weaponized satellite into orbit. 

Rodriguez might have a tougher time convincing the other half of his dream pair, Michelle Williams, to sign up for a film this silly and violent. Then again, she's nothing if not versatile and willing to be challenged. Machete Kills should begin filming shortly, and now Gibson can use this as a means of hyping his straight-to-VOD movie, Get the Gringo.