
New trailer and clip for Pixar's 'Brave'!

If the last few months have proven anything, it's that a female led action movie doesn't have to star Angelina Jolie to be a monumental hit. The Hunger Games kinda makes that point clear, and with many blockbusters featuring women heroes on the way(like Snow White and the Huntsman), we may be seeing a shift in Hollywood's perception. Too bad the people didn't turn out to see Gina Carano whoop up on the old boys' club in Haywire.  Pixar couldn't have picked a better time to release Brave, their first original film to feature a female lead.

To be fair, Pixar did their best to muck the whole thing up. Originally set to be directed by Brenda Chapman, who would have been their first female film director, she was removed over some sketchy circumstances and replaced by Mark Andrews. They now share co-directing credits in what amounts to a face saving maneuver, but the footage for the film speaks for itself. With its lush and vibrant colors, epic mythical scope, and plentiful humor, Brave might just help people forget the perceived disappointment of Cars 2.

The latest trailer has been released, along with a new clip titled Eyes on the Pies. They give us a fuller look into the family of Scottish princess, Merida(Kelly MacDonald), who wants to escape her sheltered life behind the kingdom walls and seek adventure on her own. Billy Connolly voices her father, the King, with Emma Thompson as her mother. If you'll recall, the film was initially titled The Bear and the Bow, and this trailer gives a reminder why. They should've stuck with, if you ask me.

Check out the new trailer for Brave below, followed by the brief clip....