
Trailer Time: 'I Wish', directed by Hirokazu Koreeda

Back in 2004, Hirokazu Koreeda directed one of my favorite films, Nobody Knows, and I've been a devoted follower of the Japanese film maker's work ever since. He's proven to be one of the great contemporary directors, not just in Asia but in the world, with a perfectionist's eye that is often grueling on his actors. In Nobody Knows, the story of four children abandoned by their mother is made all the more realistic by Koreeda's use of time, spacing out the film shoot to show the children's natural aging and deteriorating state. All of his movies in some way deal with the tragedy of loss, so don't jump into them looking for a pick-me-up.

The trailer for his latest film, I Wish, has been released and it's following much the same lines as his previous stuff. Starring real life brothers, Koko and Oshiro Maeda, the story centers on two siblings separated from one another by their parents' divorce and their hopes of reuniting. This one looks a bit more upbeat than usual for Koreeda, especially when it comes to the two stars. Then again, Koreeda always brings a little bit of light to his films before dropping the hammer of gloom on us, so don't be surprised if this turns into a weeper real fast.

I Wish will open in limited release on May 11th. Check out the beautiful new trailer below...