
Trailer Time: Takashi Miike's 'The Legend of Love & Sincerity'

The trailers for The Legend of Love & Sincerity seem to be coming out at the same pace which prolific director, Takashi Miike, wraps up his films. The adaptation of Ikki Kajawara's manga, Ai to Makoto, the story follows an angelic high school named Ai, and an ultra delinquent named Makoto Taiga who fall in love. Just one of a handful of films Miike has planned for this year alone, it's set to open in Japan on June 16th and will likely hit our shores in a limited capacity soon after.

As with the trailer we saw just last month, the latest shows Mike is employing all of his tricks to match the off-kilter tone of Kajawara's manga, with a little bit of slapstick comedy jammed up against his brand of brutal violence, yet with a sweet little romance at the center. Check out the Japanese trailer for The Legend of Love & Sincerity below....