
Punch Drunk DVD's- 6/5/12

Act of Valor
You'll probably remember this flick from it's tagling "Featuring real active duty Navy SEALS", I remember it for delivering completely on what it's trailer's promised...2 hours of stone cold bad assery. The film follows a SEAL team on a series of missions to rescue a kidnapped CIA agent. For me this one is a definite buy.

John Carter
The first big blockbuster of the year, unfortunately also the first major disappointment of the year not to mention one of the largest financial disasters in recent box office memory. This flick about a civil war soldier transplanted to Mars is a pass for most but probably worth a rental for fans of big flashy films that are light on much else, nothing wrong with burning a friday night with this one.

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
While this movie didn't break records here in the US it was a financial juggernaut globally. A sure bet for family fun, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson heads up this fantastic follow up to the less stellar Brendan Frasier film from a few years ago.

Also releasing:
Safe House- Starring: Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington
Machine Gun Preacher- Starring Gerard Butler