
Could Vin Diesel play Vision in 'The Avengers' sequel? Ummmm...

......probably not, but we love a good rumor here at Punch Drunk Critics International. Remember John Cena as Batman? Awesome stuff. The more ridiculous the better, as far as we're concerned. Sometimes they even turn out to be true in the long run. This one isn't as crazy as the John Cena one, but it doesn't have a lot of evidence to back it up, and basically it just blew up because....well, it gets kinda boring being a superhero movie nerd when there aren't any superhero movies to discuss.

Anyway, Vin Diesel made the critical error of changing his Facebook profile pic to that of Vision, the android member of the Avengers who many have been hoping will appear in upcoming flicks. This had people goin' apeshit over the prospect of Diesel in the role, although there's more evidence of my cat playing Tigra in The Avengers 3 at this point. It's all just silliness, but fun silliness. Still, it worries me just how invested some people get when a rumor like this surfaces. I mean...check out this bust some guy did of how Diesel might look as Vision....

Seriously? I'm certain Joss Whedon will find a way to introduce the character at some point, but it won't be Diesel and it won't be revealed via a Facebook profile photo. It's far more likely that the other prominent rumor will come to pass, with the deceased Agent Coulson(Clark Gregg)  coming back as Vision somehow. It would require a lot of hoop jumping, though, as Vision is a character with a lot of strong ties to other characters. He's the creation of Ultron, an evil android built by Hank Pym(aka Ant-Man), and given the brain patterns of the superhero, Wonder Man. Vision would go on to become a loyal member of The Avengers, marrying the Scarlet Witch and having a couple of imaginary kids with her. It's all quite convoluted now that I think about it.

Whether it's Diesel, Gregg, or somebody else entirely, I'm willing to bet Vision make some kind of appearance in The Avengers 2. We'll find out when it opens on May 1st 2015. [CBM]