I've always been a Marvel Comics guy, specifically X-men and Avengers comics, but there have been times when a comic has lured me away from the mainstream. It's always a comic that isn't afraid to push boundaries, get a little dirty, and more often than not takes a big fat dump on the top dogs at Marvel and DC. The comic that did it for me was Garth Ennis' The Boys, which Will Ferrell's running buddy Adam McKay(Anchorman, The Other Guys) has been trying to adapt for a couple of years now. Unfortunately, Sony decided not to back the film, and all hope seemed to be lost. Turns out that wasn't the case.
McKay took to his Twitter feed and answered a fan's question about the future of The Boys, and here was his hopeful response.....
"Actually paramount picked it up and we're still developing."

On the other hand, this is probably the best time ever for a movie like this because The Boys tends to spoof, parody, and crap all over more recognizable heroes like Captain America, Iron Man, the X-men, and more. Ennis tears down the superhero mystique with an evil glee that I think many would latch on to if brought to the silver screen. Paramount would be silly to not try and make a few bucks laying the smackdown on the biggest comic book movie franchise. Fingers crossed.