
Joaquin Phoenix is on the wrong track in new clip from 'The Master'

Perhaps it's time to stop watching these clips from The Master. There's no film that's higher on my must-see list than Paul Thomas Anderson's latest, whether it has anything to do with Scientology or not. The jury's still out on that. The problem is that the trailer and every piece of footage we've seen, heck even the still photos, have been so beautiful that they're kinda irresistible.

The latest clip, titled "She Wrote Me A Letter", is another gorgeous piece of work backed by a haunting woodwind score by Jonny Greenwood. Along with Joaquin Phoenix bearing his soul to Philip Seymour Hoffman's character, we also get the best look yet at Amy Adams. Did I mention the score? I think this clip more than any other so far leads me to believe Scientology is definitely a centerpiece of the story.

We're now officially less than a month away as The Master opens in theaters on September 14th....