Olivier Megaton may have the more awesome name, but of all the Luc Besson protégés, Pierre Morel has had the most success. His directorial debut, District B13, ranks right up there with The Raid: Redemption in the pantheon of modern action movie classics. But he found his biggest hit transforming Liam Neeson into a bad ass in Taken. Um, we can go ahead and forget From Paris with Love.
Morel will next step behind the camera for The Hitman's Bodyguard, which keeps him firmly in his favored genre. Based on Tom O'Connor's script, the story follows a "protection agent who is forced to escort to the Hague a hitman awaiting his chance to testify against a war criminal and ex-head of state of an Eastern European country."
Sounds kinda basic, but Morel has proven capable of making fun, exciting thrillers even when given little to work with. Nobody thought Taken would amount to much, either. [THR]
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