
Tom Hardy and Michael Shannon travel down 'The Long Red Road'

Will Hollywood survive when Bane finally joins forces with General Zod?? The world may never be the same, and I for one can't wait to see it.

Tom Hardy(The Dark Knight Rises) and Michael Shannon(Man of Steel) are set to star in The Long Red Road, based Brett C. Leonard's stage play of the same name. Hardy will reprise the role he took on in the stage version, playing Sammy, a man who has fled his life and settled on a South Dakota Indian reservation where he's slowly drinking himself to death. He's forced into facing some hard truths when his daughter turns up, eager to reunite with her father. Shannon will play Hardy's older brother, Bob.

Philip Seymour Hoffman adapted the story for the stage, and it's possible he may be in the running to direct the feature film version. It would be Hoffman's sophomore effort after making his debut behind the camera with 2010's Jack Goes Boating. So....Hardy + Shannon + (maybe) Hoffman? Pretty sweet. [Variety]