
Punch Drunk DVD's

Titanic: The movie that made the world scream out "I'm King of the World!", set an impossibly high bar for guys of my generation and guaranteed eventual hatred for Celine Dion is now out on Blu-Ray. Titanic is finally coming home in hi-def following the 3D re-release earlier this year. As much as I want to, I really can't hate...the movie is pretty amazing. This isn't even to mention how nice it will be for fans to be able to watch the movie in it's entirety without having to switch tapes/discs (remember this was one of those double-tape, take up half of your VHS shelf space home releases). While I'm waiting for the request to paint a lady like one of my french girls I'll be watching this awesome transfer of one of our generations greatest cinematic feats.


Snow White and the Huntsman: I was getting ready to tear this movie apart...it really was a letdown and one of the summers first flops, but I think maybe there are more redeeming qualities than I initially gave this movie credit for. Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman for one, this is a guy that was born to wear chain mail and a beard. He and Sean Bean could play medieval type roles for their entire careers and I wouldn't complain once. Much to my surprise I also quite enjoyed Charlize Theron as the evil Ravenna, there were some....let's say, odd moments but for the most part she was quite fun to watch. The real downside comes in the film's lead, Kristin Stewart. I've never really been a fan but her complete lack of charisma causes this entire movie to fall on it's face.


What to Expect When You're Expecting: A better title may be "You Should Expect What You're Getting" this movie does not turn for even one second from the silly cliches of pregnancy as told to us from any dime store stand up comedian. While I admit to laughing at the scenes featuring the fraternity of Dad's out for walks it was more the kind of laugh you get when someone burps unexpectadely in a crowded room at an inappropriate time...you know you shouldn't laugh but it's impossible to stop, more a reaction than sign of enjoyment. Negative points awarded for making some of the most gorgeous women in Hollywood completely unattractive and it is in no way due to the physicality of pregnancy...seriously it's not.


Your Sister's Sister: I am not a fan of all things indie. They, generally, are just not my thing. I've come to expect that every once in a while an independent movie will break conventions to my surprise and delight. What I haven't come to expect is a movie that, in bullet point form, does everything I dislike about conventional indie dramas but does so in such a way that is extremely enjoyable. Your Sister's Sister really surprised the hell out of me with it's unbelievably believable situations and overly talkative, self obsessed but extremely likable and relate-able characters. If you've always avoided movies of this kind, it's time to give them a shot.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The definition of 80's B-movie and ultimate guilty pleasure is hitting blu-ray. While I can guarantee that the HD transfer will be nothing to write home about and the special features will be lacking at best I'm still going to recommend that everyone buy this film. It is the last vestige of a dying genre from the golden age of Hollywood. Confused? Stay with me. Killer Klowns from Outer Space perfectly captured the spirit of the 50's atomic age, the entertaining absurdity of movie's that dared to take seriously only the most ludicrous of plots. A true cult classic this film must be owned even if only as a conversation piece of your Blu-Ray collection.