
What!?! 'Before Midnight' with Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke is completed!

Liars! Or at least we should call Ethan Hawke a casual fibber at the very least. Over the last week or so, we've been following the rumors regarding Before Midnight, a sequel to the beloved Before Sunrise/Before Sunset indie romances from Hawke, Julie Delpy, and director Richard Linklater. After the two dudes were spotted in Greece, with rumors of Delpy being in the area as well, the suspicion naturally was that they were making the film totally unannounced. A few days later, Hawke revealed that they were simply working on the script, which made sense because Delpy had recently stated they were at least a year away from production.

Turns out it was all a clever ruse, as Deadline reports that Before Midnight(now the confirmed title) was filming in Greece all along, and principle photography has now been completed. It'll likely be offered up to buyers at the upcoming Toronto Film Festival, where I'm sure studios will be quick to snap it up.  As if to rub it all in our faces a little bit, the filmmakers released a statement....

 “It’s great to be back together again, this time in beautiful Greece to revisit the lives of Celine and Jesse nine years after Jesse was about to miss his flight.” 

Ugghh, I've been waiting all these years to find out if Jesse actually missed his flight and hooked up with Celine the way he should have in the first movie! Seriously, these two have a Moonlighting thing goin' on that's been driving me nuts for years. So consider all of this a happy deception, and you can bet we'll be seeing Before Midnight hitting some of the early season festivals next year.