David Gordon Green to direct 'Little House on the Prairie'
Yeah, you read that headline right. The guy from The Sitter and Pineapple Express is directing a big screen version of Little House on the Prairie, the Laura Ingalls Wilder book series that bored you in school. And no, this won't be some sexed up, R-rated comedy spoof. By all appearances it will be faithful to the books and the popular TV series starring Michael Landon.
Sony Pictures is developing the adaptation, and if you need more evidence of how serious they are about it, just know that Abi Morgan(Shame, The Iron Lady) is penning the script. The books and series were based on Wilder's family and the months they spent on the Kansas prairie during the late 19th century. The TV show ran for nine seasons and I remember thinking as a child that it would never truly end because it had been such a part of Monday nights.
Those who have been clamoring for Green to get back to the types of films he made earlier in his career have to be happy with the choices he's been making. He recently signed up for the gritty southern drama Joe with Nicolas Cage, and then there's always that Suspiria remake which may or may not be dead. Little House on the Prairie is an odd move, but as it's very early on in the process let's wait and see how it develops. [Deadline]