'Zero Dark Thirty', 'Killing Them Softly' get new posters
Wouldn't it be cool if Kathryn Bigelow could have all of the bad press and political backbiting regarding Zero Dark Thirty redacted? I bet she'd love that. Unfortunately she can't, and the film will emerge this December from a cloud of secrecy necessitated by on-set protests and opportunistic politicians who claimed the film was some sort of Obama Administration plot. Seriously. What we do know is that the script comes from Mark Boal, who Bigelow worked with on the Oscar-winning The Hurt Locker, and that the story focuses on the men and women who helped put the pieces together that led to Bin Laden's ultimate demise. A rather boring new poster has been revealed, which I guess is better than the earlier one that was totally blacked out. Not by much, though! Zero Dark Thirty opens on December 19th and stars Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Mark Strong, Nash Edgerton, Kyle Chandler, Chris Pratt, Jason Clarke, Edgar Ramirez, Mark Duplass, Jennifer Ehle, and more.
And here are three more posters for Andrew Dominik's Killing Them Softly, which is a mob movie set against the economic downturn of 2008. Hey, gangster had it rough too! Brad Pitt plays Jackie Cogan, an enforcer brought in to do whatever it takes to find the guys that robbed a high stakes mob-controlled poker match. These newly released Mondo posters don't hide that the film is as much an indictment on the corrupt economic system as it is a hard-boiled crime flick. Killing Them Softly opens on November 30th. [HuffPo]