Who doesn't love a good tax break? Certainly the big studio folks in Hollywood do, which is why they often seek out locations with the best tax incentives to film their most expensive features. Disney is seeking such a deal for their ultra-expensive version of Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which has had David Fincher twisting in the wind for months. That may all be coming to an end now, as a green light is closer than ever thanks to a potential offer by the Australian government.

This would be the most expensive production in Australia's history, and that's without the presence of one of Hollywood' most expensive stars. Fincher had been targeting Brad Pitt for the lead role, but THR says he's not involved. At least not yet. I have a feeling when all is said and done, Pitt will hook back up with his Seven, Fight Club, and 'Benjamin Button' director.
That's assuming Fincher even stays on board for it. All of this waiting has to be playing havoc with his schedule, which is already in a state of some flux. He's been attached to direct an adaptation of Gone Girl, and let's not forget all the difficulties in getting The Girl Who Played with Fire going.