'Veronica Mars' Kickstarter campaign hits $2M goal
Back in 2010, roughly three years since Veronica Mars went off the air to great disappointment by its loyal fans, show creator Rob Thomas was still keeping hope alive that a feature film could get done. The prospects weren't looking too good, though...
Thomas: “I would write it if anyone would finance it. If anyone’s interested in making that movie I am available, Kristen’s available. I would love to do it. I think the closest we came was Joel [Silver] pushing it at Warner Bros. and they didn’t bite. It has sort of gone away.”
Thanks to continued outcry by the fans, Warner Bros. agreed to put a film into production in 2014 if $2M could be raised in only 30 days. Thomas and star Kristen Bell launched a Kickstarter campaign this morning to help reach that goal, and it turns out it didn't take a month. It didn't even take an entire day, as the target goal was surpassed in just over 12 hours. That's incredible.
Warner Bros. Digital will now put the film into production for release in 2014, hitting theaters first before going to On Demand. For those unfamiliar, Veronica Mars ran for three seasons and followed the titular character, who began as a high school outsider who solved mysteries while dealing with the social pecking order. She would eventually transition to a college student where her sleuthing continued.
I'm not sure the impact of what was just accomplished can be overstated. This is really a huge moment not just when it comes to crowd-sourced projects, but for all of Hollywood. This puts an incredible amount of power in the hands of the audience, and any show with a dedicated base of support is going to become fair game for a similar campaign.