
Sarah Gadon Not Playing Mary Jane Watson In 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2'

Face it tiger, this whole Mary Jane Watson issue has gotten out of control. It all started when Shailene Woodley's role as MJ was cut from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, to be moved to the third film due out in 2016. But that was followed-up literally minutes later by speculation that the role would be completely recast, and the situation only got messier when Sarah Gadon revealed she had joined the franchise. Some quickly took to claiming she would play MJ, while others vigourously denied it, and now we know the truth straight from the horse's mouth.

Gadon took to Twitter tonight and tweeted this about the whole situation...

The Wrap's Jeff Sneider, who has been saying all along she wouldn't be playing MJ, was even more forceful...

 "100% CONFIRMED: Sarah Gadon IS in Amazing Spider-Man 2 briefly," he writes. "She is NOT playing Mary Jane Watson, who will NOT appear until Part THREE. A FALSE rumor started that Sarah replaced Shailene as MJ. She confirmed to ET Canada she's in the movie. Fans made a connection. It's wrong. Nothing else to report, so calm down everyone. No drama here to see. Marc Webb cut MJ appearance to streamline the story."

So it looks like we can add yet another character to what is already an overloaded cast. So much for that whole streamlining idea, eh Marc Webb? Now the question turns to who Gadon will be portraying. It's possible she could be a new character, but that seems unlikely. And also, one has to wonder if Woodley really is done. That's yet to be officially confirmed by anybody, and it's possible Sony and Webb are biding their time to see how things go. They have until 2016 to figure it all out. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on the other hand, arrives on May 2nd 2014.