
Tony Danza Gets Dirty in the First Clip from 'Don Jon'

Tony Micelli my how you've changed! In this first clip from the upcoming Don Jon, a film about a young man (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who lives a hyper shallow existence and sets out to find something more gratifying, we get a look at the father/son dynamic between Jon and Jon Sr. (Danza). I have to imagine this was, at least partly, inspired by one of the Jersey Shore fist pumper's early days...except for the redemption part, that's totally fiction.

In the clip we drop in on Jon bringing home a date, Barbara (Scarlett Johansson channeling Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny) to meet his mother and father. What follows is a very stereotypical North Jersey introduction. Once Barbara leaves the room with Jon's mother, his dad Jon Sr. starts to break down how he never thought he'd be bringing home a "piece of ass" like that. While the picture I just painted my point to the contrary the clip actually seems like something I would definitely not mind watching. Danza's wholesome image doesn't cloud the performance, you're not going to be giggling when you hear Tony say 'Titties'...well maybe but not in a bad way. Levitt seems to be going for some kind of DeNiro look which he makes his own and ScarJo is just stupid hot so there's that. Check it out below.

Don John hits theaters September 27th, 2013

Don Jon (Clip 1) by tvPRIME