
Emma Stone Turns Down 'Ghostbusters 3'; Jonah Hill Still in the Mix

Dan Akroyd and Ivan Reitman may have hopes of finally getting Ghostbusters 3 rolling in the spring of next year, but without a powerhouse cast that could be wishful thinking. A few weeks ago a rumor surfaced that Emma Stone and Jonah Hill were being courted for the film, which has had no end of problems for what seems like an eternity. Well the problems are continuing as the guys over at Schmoes Know, who have been solid on this stuff of late, have word that Stone is passing on the role of Anna...

"Emma Stone is passing on “Anna” but Jonah Hill still has an offer out for “Jeremy”.  Interesting enough, Sony wants two big stars signed on or they will not green light the picture."

Assuming all of this is true, that last bit could be the biggest hurdle in the film ever getting made. We've seen how easily Bill Murray shot down any hopes of returning to the franchise he helped make great back in the 1980s, and we haven't heard much about anyone of note really clamoring to be a part of it. If Hill were to sign on that would change things, but he's riding a wave of possible Oscar love for The Wolf of Wall Street, and already has a successful comedy sequel in 22 Jump Street.

The plot is rumored to have the old guard, led by Akroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson, leading a new young team of Ghostbusters. None of those guys can provide a strong box office debut, nor can co-stars Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis. Despite Akroyd's claims otherwise, Ghostbusters 3 has been on life support without Murray and that doesn't appear to have changed much.