
Sony Expands Spider-Man Universe with Venom and Sinister Six Spinoffs

“I mean I’m under contract for another one after this… as far as a fourth one? That’s not anything to do with me."

That was what Andrew Garfield said just a few days ago when asked about the future of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise, which Sony has mapped out through 2018 and a fourth movie based on Marvel wall-crawler. It was a surprising statement considering how much time and money had already been invested in him and the films, and some speculated it was all just a contractual ploy. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but it seems more clear than ever that the Spider-Man universe is expanding in a big way and moving away from the adventures of Peter Parker.

Sony is building their own Avengers-style cohesive world, which they hope will "forge a new legacy in the story of Peter Parker on screen."  Part of this expansion will be two spinoff movies; the first is the long-developing Venom film based on the Spidey villain last seen in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3. Josh Trank (Chronicle) had been circling it some time ago but it will be Alex Kurtzman directing, co-writing the script with his usual writing partner Bob Orci and Ed Solomon.

They've also secured The Cabin in the Woods' Drew Goddard to pen and possibly direct a movie based on the Sinister Six, the team of evil-doers expected to form in the next two movies. Goddard is also busy penning the Daredevil Netflix TV series for Marvel Entertainment, who are also backing Sony's overall plan.

As for the core Amazing Spider-Man movies? Sony still has hopes of Marc Webb returning to direct it, and have tapped Orci, Kurtzman, and Jeff Pinkner to write the screenplay with an eye towards a fall start date and release on June 10, 2016.

With this assembled group of talent Sony plans to develop an ongoing, overarching story spread across several movies. It already seemed like that was the direction they were heading. We can safely assume this has been the plan for some time as Webb has been hinting the fourth movie would be an ensemble rather than a Spider-Man focused story.

Big moves are being made, and it wouldn't be surprising if more announcements are made soon. What do you think? Does this is increase your excitement for The Amazing Spider-Man 2?