
Bryan Singer Says 'X-men: Apocalypse' will Explore Origins of Mutantkind

X-men: Days of Future Past doesn't hit theaters until May, but already the foundation is being laid for the sequel, X-men: Apocalypse. Bryan Singer made the big announcement just last month, and while we've already heard some rumors on how the two films will tie together, we don't know anything concrete. Entertainment Weekly caught up with Singer and while he doesn't reveal much, he does spill a few small details.

First off, Singer apparently isn't signed to direct just yet, although he clearly has designs on being behind the camera....

"I’m negotiating to direct. We’re in the process. We’re trying to figure it out, schedules. My desire would be to direct it."

Singer is still working out the story alongside Simon Kinberg, Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty, and one thing that hasn't been decided yet is if an 'Apocalypse' teaser will occur during 'Future Past'. One thing that is for sure is that something in the upcoming film will launch whatever happens in 'Apocalypse'...

"Something that happens in this movie causes what’s going to happen in that movie."

Whereas X-men: First Class took us back to the origins of the X-men and Charles Xavier's dream of peaceful coexistence, 'Apocalypse' will go much further back and explore the beginnings of the mutant species....

“It will also address historical mutant-cy, meaning the deep past, mutant origins and things like that. It’s something that’s always intrigued me when we think about our Gods and our history and miracles and powers.”

Apocalypse is generally recognized as the first mutant, born in Egypt thousands of years ago under the name En Saba Nur. The most interesting thing is going to be how the shape-shifting villain will be brought to the screen, and who they'll get to portray him.

X-men: Apocalypse opens May 27th 2016.