
'Gotham' TV Series to Feature Young Versions of Classic Batman Villains

The Smallville model worked for more than a decade, telling the story of young Clark Kent and his path towards becoming Superman, while also introducing us youthful versions of his most nefarious enemies. Fox is hoping they can replicate that long-running success with Gotham, which is no longer just about the early adventures of Detective Jim Gordon but will include a young Bruce Wayne.

Fox chairman Kevin O'Reilly says they have full rights access to the entire library of Batman characters, revealing that that we'll see younger versions of Catwoman, the Penguin, the Riddler, and yep even the Joker.

Reilly: “This is all of the classic Batman characters. It follows the arc of how they all became what they were. I’ve read the script its really good. It’s going to be this operatic soap that has a slightly larger-than-life quality.”

But just as Smallville refrained from showing anybody in costume for most of its run, it sounds as if Gotham will carry the same policy...at least in the beginning.

Reilly: “We’re not starting in that world where the villains are in costume. You see markers for it that are delicious you see where the evolution and eccentricity where they become those characters. We don’t start off with capes and costumes.”

Bruce Wayne will be roughly 12-years-old during the series, and his parents' murder will be one of the over-arching investigations. If the series goes the way Reilly hopes, the series' final episode will have Bruce donning the Batman suit for the first time.

Not really much of a surprise here, as this approach has also worked on Arrow, and like that show it will be totally separate from Warner Bros. big screen plans. So Ben Affleck can rest easy that there won't be another Batman tugging at his cape.  [EW]