The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Garrett Hedlund (Tron, Inside Llewyn Davis) has officially been offered the role of Captain Hook by director Joe Wright in the upcoming Warner Bros production that will explore the beginning of the iconic relationship between Peter Pan and Captain Hook who, according to THR, will start out as friends. The word gritty was used to describe this origin story...obviously my immediate reaction is to ridicule that, I mean, how can any take on Peter Pan described as "gritty" be at all faithful to the classic tale of the boy who never grew up. Then I remember the early 90's Robin Williams/Dustin Hoffman flick, Hook..yeah I know it doesn't evoke memories of anything dark and on the edge but if you look past the bright colors you'll find a very Lord of the Flies like atmosphere commanded by an almost insane seeming Rufio. takes a stretch of the imagination, but it's there. Staying with that line of thinking I suppose this take, which will reportedly feature Hook's early day's of piracy under the command of Blackbeard (word is Hugh Jackman will be taking that role), could actually be something less light and fluffy than what we all equate to anything Peter Pan and actually still work.
The real question is, do people want to see a gritty origin story about the green tight wearing icon who taught us all that anything was possible with happy thoughts and imagination?