
Rumor: Dwayne Johnson "Up For" Green Lantern in 'Batman vs. Superman'

Another day, another rumor, and lately most of them seem to be centered on Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and this big meeting he had about a DC Comics project. He tweeted the news just a couple of days ago and set off a firestorm of speculation. Was he referring to a comic book project, or a film like Batman vs. Superman? Nobody knows, but the guys over at Think McFly Think, not my favorite source of information, say he's up for the role of Green Lantern.
Well, last week it was Denzel Washington, and today it's Dwayne Johnson. While this is a pretty flimsy rumor that seems to have been heard second or even third-hand, I speculated before that Johnson could be considered for John Stewart based on this tweet from a couple of years ago....
I've heard some ridiculous criticism that Johnson wouldn't be good for the part because he's not dark or African-American enough. It's absurd, unless we need to start divvying up all the black roles based on skin shade now. He'd kick ass in the role, like he does in pretty much everything, and he certainly has the demeanor to play Stewart.

Take all this with the recommended dosage of salt, and remember that we don't even know if Green Lantern is in Batman vs. Superman.