
3D Re-Releases of Pixar's 'The Incredibles' and 'Ratatouille' On the Way

Pixar hasn't just gone sequel crazy, they've gone re-release crazy of late. So far we've seen a couple of Toy Story movies re-released in 3D, as well as Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo. And now it looks like they're basically bringing back their entire library of past classics back into theaters to further milk these cash cows for all they are worth.

According to Screen Daily, Pixar's director of 3D production Josh Hollander revealed at the 3D Creative Summit in London that The Incredibles and Ratatouille are returning in the third-dimension...

Hollander: "Right now we’re working on The Incredibles, which is a lot of fun in 3D. I’m not sure what the release strategy for it will be. It’s been an interesting challenge to work on technology because – while the film was released 10 years ago – the technology is even older as it took four years to make."

He then went on to add...

 Hollander: "We have a version of Ratatouille, which works really well in 3D and we’re trying to figure out exactly what the release strategy for that will be."

Perhaps Ratatouille can come in smell-o-vision, too? 3D aromas wafting throughout the theater? Hollander also acknowledges there may have been some audience blowback thanks to the overuse of 3D. No kidding.

Hollander: "I think that we as an industry may have lost some of our audience for 3D with releases that didn’t beg for the medium or didn’t warrant the medium or didn’t use the median in a nuanced and sophisticated and comfortable way. I think it’s possible that we drove some folks away from 3D with the higher ticket price or whatever else. But I also think that as the industry settles on a more nuanced approach, I really hope and believe that the audiences will return."

Whatever you say, hoss. Of all the Pixar movies The Incredibles seemed like the most obvious one that deserved a sequel, but instead it looks like we'll have to settle for watching the original with silly glasses on.