
Is Fox Looking to Drop Josh Trank and Re-Cast 'Fantastic Four'?

There may be trouble afoot for 20th Century Fox's Fantastic Four reboot. While the film has had some past issues with the script, those seemed to be relatively minor. There was the expected Internet uproar when Josh Trank cast Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell to play the superhero team, but that's sort of the nature of the beast when dealing with comic book fanboys. However, it's possible that Fox has taken the prior issues and the fan response to heart because a rumor has surfaced they are looking to make some sweeping changes.

Our friends at Bleeding Cool, who tend to be really good on this stuff, cite a "well-connected source" saying Fox is trying to remove Trank from the directing job, scrap Simon Kinberg's script, and they apparently have some problems with the cast.   This could be a fatal blow for a franchise that already has an uphill battle against Disney, Warner Bros., and the perception the Fantastic Four simply aren't cool.

On the other hand, Screen Crush has spoken to "high level studio sources" who say the entire story is false and Trank is on set. So who do we believe? We'll find out soon enough as production is to begin soon for release on March 6th 2015. If April rolls on and we haven't seen any photos, we'll know something is up.