
Marvel Sets 'Captain America 3' Opposite 'Batman vs. Superman' in 2016

"We’re certainly keeping the date there and we’ll announce what that movie is, I assume, in the next few months."

That was what Marvel President Kevin Feige said earlier today when asked about moving their untitled mystery film away from the May 6th 2016 date to avoid a showdown with Warner Bros.' Batman vs. Superman. Well, Marvel hasn't backed down, but we don't have to wait to find out the movie as THR reports it will be Captain America 3.

Not exactly the breakthrough reveal some were hoping, and not much of a surprise either as Marvel had already re-hired Joe and Anthony Russo to direct the sequel and begin plotting out the story. Chris Evans is coming back as Captain America, of course, although he's already looking towards the end of his contract, meaning we may see the groundwork laid for a "passing of the torch". This also would squash a prior rumor the date would go to the un-confirmed Guardians of the Galaxy sequel.

Is the threat of Captain America enough to force Batman vs. Superman to switch release dates? It may already have happened