
'The Amazing Spider-Man 4' will Need a New Director

It's no secret that Marc Webb was reluctant to tackle The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, coming off only one feature film in the indie romance (500) Days of Summer. But he signed on for the long haul, recently confirming he'll stick around through the third film before Sony begins its expansion with Sinister Six and Venom. But there's also a fourth Spider-Man film that has been confirmed, and Webb addressed whether or not he'll be taking the camera for that one, too.

In a conversation with The Daily Beast, Webb says he hopes to be a part of future sequels, just not as a director...

Webb: "I’d like to be involved as a consultant, and I’ve already talked to these guys about it, but in terms of directing it, that will close out my tenure. I’ve had so much fun doing it, but after the third movie, it’ll be the time to find something else."

And part of that "something else" should include Cold Comfort, the true-life spy film he agreed to direct a few months ago.  The Amazing Spider-Man 3 won't open until June 10th 2016 so we've got a couple years of Webb's take on Spidey to go.