
David Spade Says a 'Joe Dirt' Sequel is in the Works

I can't imagine how tired and unfunny a Reddit AMA with David Spade might be; perhaps as tired and unfunny as Joe Dirt? The horrendous white trash comedy is apparently what people recognize Spade for, which should tell you all you need to know about his career, because the most questions he fielded were about it. And among those questions was one on a potential sequel, which Spade says is in the works right now....

Spade: "We wrote a sequel, and we may wind up doing it on Crackle.com, because they want to be the first web address to do a sequel to a movie. Because Sony owns them, and it's a Sony movie. We're trying to find a way to make it for the budget, but we really want to do it. And keep it good." 

Spade went on to talk about the current climate is tough for movies like Joe Dirt, which cost about $17M back in 2001. And he's right when he says there isn't much room for comedies of that mid-level size, anymore, but I also think he's crazy if he thinks that is what is holding up a Joe Dirt 2...

Spade: "We're putting it together now and seeing if we can keep it as funny and with the music we like for a lower budget. All the movies you hear about being made now keep running into budget problems, this and that, and it sounds boring, but it's just a new world, where they can't make those $15-30 million comedies anymore. It's either $3 million or $200 million, there's almost no in-between, so everyone's adjusting to either a summer tentpole Avengers-type movie, or learning to get down and dirty and gritty and making a smaller movie. I just don't want to burn the fans and want to make it good, so me and the other writer are combing through the sequel and trying to make it make sense and have good music and be funny within the parameters. So hopefully it will be soon, or it will be too pointless."

Those darn Avengers, always keeping David Spade down. This sounds a long shot to happen, but if it does there will a few happy Joe Dirt fans out there.