
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Debrief: Episode 1.20, "Nothing Personal"

Only three episodes left before the first season of Agents of SHIELD is over and while most of the folks around are feeling better about the show I’m still in the same "this isn’t that good" camp. With last night’s episode titled 'Nothing’s Personal' really not changing my feelings either. I think after the first spoilery episode 4 days after the release of Cap 2 the show kind of settled back into its kind of average state of being again with every one being just a bit too cute. This episode continues directly where the last one left us with team back at the base, May out in the cold, and Skye in a terrible scary boyfriend movie plot with Ward.

The episode starts with us seeing Maria Hill (now a Stark employee sorry for more Cap 2 spoilers) in Washington dealing with Congressional hearings about what happened with HYDRA and SHIELD. She's snuck up on by Agent May who’s still on the hunt for who was in charge of T.A.H.I.T.I. with Hill not having much for her she dips away as Hill is taken into custody by FBI. Back at the hidden base bunker left over team Coulson is checking and sees from tapes that everyone left. Simmons ends up finding Koenig’s body with Fitz finding a message from Skye warning that Ward is HYDRA. After everyone gets over their shock at the betrayal they start to get angry and make a plan, only to have the base entered by Talbot (aka the #2 Hulk hater in existence) and his troops. Wondering how they got in Coulson finds out that Maria Hill snitched.

As Talbot starts questioning Fitz, Simmons and Triplett, Coulson is talking to Hill about what’s going on. Hill cut a deal to not go to jail and tells Coulson to get in on it. He’s like "naw", Ward is HYDRA, they done murdered Hand and broke out the fridge, took all the good stuff and he has to take out Garrett. Once Hill hears that she becomes extra gully again and with Coulson beats up Talbot and his troops and escapes to hunt down Ward and get Skye back.

So meanwhile the lovers Skye and Ward are in L.A. She tells him that the place to decrypt the drive is the diner where she first met Mike Peterson aka Deathlok. So she’s running the immaculate game on Ward feigning ignorance over the sudden arrival of cops, and just waiting for the moment to tell Ward she knows he’s HYDRA and that she brought the cops to the spot. He flips out and starts beating up cops and somehow doesn’t get shot by the LAPD while Skye gets kind of arrested and then as the cops are taken out drives the squad car away until the dude Deathlok jumps on the car punches through the windshield and grabs her up by the throat. Now with the supreme muscle that is Deathlok they all go back to the Bus with Skye really getting into Ward and hurting his feelings. An annoyed Deathlok who has no time or gives no damn anymore about these people tells Skye to give up the info or as he shoots Ward with a weird chest device that stops Ward’s heart. Skye has to give up the info or Ward dies. So because she is a good person she tells him and Ward doesn’t die. She tells them that the position to decrypt the data is high in the sky so as they try to take off the plane is stopped by Hill and Team Coulson.

It’s really just a stalling tactic so that Coulson can sneak aboard the plane. Ward takes off with Coulson now on the plane. He reaches Skye and Skye all happy to be saved asked him how he took out Deathlok. A shook looking Coulson is like Deathlok is here? Now Deathlok sees Coulson and begin pursuit. Coulson and Skye run to Lola (the flying car) open the Bus’ loading door and escape the clutches of Ward and Deathlok using Lola to not die. Ward being Ward is all salty and thirsty can’t let them escape and plans to pursue with Deathlok telling him to chill since they have the drive and the info but of course no one listens to him. The team now at a lowly motel 6 looking place is just now taking a rest and dealing with Ward’s betrayal. Skye tells Coulson in another one of their father-daughter like heart to hearts that she left a trap in the hard drive. So with things bad but not too terrible Coulson goes to his motel room to find Agent May standing there in the dark.

See during the episode she decided to go to Coulson’s “grave” and dig up the casket. There she found a flash drive with some video on it. She then brings it to Coulson and gets him to sit down and watch it since it will give him the answer to who ran the T.A.H.I.T.I. project. Guess what trill believers it was Coulson. Coulson was put in charge of project that was designed to bring an Avenger back to life if they just so happened to have died in battle. But what they learned is that the side effects were just too great unless you wipe a person’s mind so that they do not remember anything of the process. The video is Coulson explaining this to Fury and resigning all to which Coulson just says “huh”.

So that’s it. A little more mystery and more douche bag Ward ahead with hopefully more I don’t really care but I have to do this Deathlok in the next two weeks. Oh and Maria Hill named dropped the Man-Thing this past week. That was nice.