
Lou Ferrigno Says a Solo Hulk Film is in the Works

Marvel has had a tough time getting getting the jade giant, the Incredible Hulk, to the point where he can carry his own franchise. Fans hated the first film, despite Ang Lee's direction, and they basically did a soft relaunch with 2008's The Incredible Hulk, recasting Ed Norton in the Bruce Banner role. The film did well enough, but is barely recognized as part of the current run of Marvel movies. But with the character reaching new heights of popularity in The Avengers, thanks largely to Mark Ruffalo taking on the character now, rumors of more solo films have followed.

And now Lou Ferrigno, who played Hulk in the original TV series and voices him in the movies, says again that a Hulk solo film is on the way. Latino Review captured this comment from Ferrigno on a Minnesota radio station....

Ferrigno: "Now because he saved the day they're making another solo Hulk movie after the second Avengers comes out."

Sounds sketchy, and Ferrigno has been one to make comments like this before with nothing really panning out. But he is Marvel's go-to guy for voicing the Hulk, so it makes some sense they'd keep him in the loop.  We'll find out soon enough.