
'The Wire' Star Reg E. Cathey Joins 'Fantastic Four'

Depending on your opinion of Johnny and Sue Storm being of different races in Fantastic Four, this latest bit of news may anger you further. Veteran actor Reg E. Cathey, probably best recognized for The Wire and House of Cards, has joined the franchise reboot as Dr. Franklin Storm, Sue and Johnny's father.

Michael B. Jordan and Kate Mara (also of House of Cards) will play siblings Johnny and Sue Storm in Josh Trank's film, with Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm, Toby Kebbell as Doctor Doom, and Tim Blake Nelson as Mole Man. In the comics, Franklin Storm is key to one of the team's encounters with the Mole Man. After Sue is injured in the fight it's Franklin, estranged from his family for years, who comes out of hiding to patch her up. He had been assumed dead but was really killed by the Skulls in a sacrificial act.

However, Trank and screenwriter Simon Kinberg seem to be basing the story on the Ultimate Marvel Universe line, and there Franklin was a part of the Super Soldier program and involved with the team's formation.

Cathey is an incredible actor and a great addition to the cast. Here's hoping people have gotten over the whole race issue.  Fantastic Four opens June 19th 2015.